If you don't live your life, then who will?

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

If You Surrender to the Wind, You Can Ride it

Oh, hey there. Care to know what I'm listening to this time?
Drops of Jupiter, by Train.

Do you ever wonder how some people come up with such moving, profoundly elevated music? I love it. No matter what I'm going through, I can always find lyrics to precisely mirror and illustrate my exact emotions. It feels good. It feels great. Nobody wants to suffer alone. Listening and reading such lyrics lets me know that I'm not alone. It's like Train is speaking directly to me.

"JEN, babygirl. I've been where you are, and look at me now! everything is going to be just fine."

You know who says that the best? Jennifer Nettles. A-fucking-mazing. One of the most talented musicians I've ever known. "Keep You" By Sugarland is my sanctuary right now. But that's another story, another blog.

In Drops of Jupiter, he speaks of a soul search. A long, lonely journey taken to find oneself.

I'm sure we can all relate.

In actuality, there are eight stages of personal development. This song reflects the third stage; Focusing. The Focusing stage itself is a quest. A quest to find who you are. your purpose. passion. ambition. your strengths. and your weaknesses. Needless to say, these attributes are not unveiled through tedious studies or simple research. But from raw experience. And if I told you that these experiences weren't easy, that would be a severe understatement on my part. People often get hurt, and hurt bad. Many restless days are spent in confusion and many sleepless nights spent in vexation. The best part is, you won't even know who the hell you're irritated with. So, naturally, you blame yourself and those around you. All together, you unintentionally hurt the people closest to you in a selfish drive to achieve ultimate realization. It's inevitable.

But, you know what? that's ok.

Referring back to the song, he talks of not only this notorious journey, but the return. The by-product. The effect it has on other people. He says that, upon observing the changed behavior and new person, he is reminded himself that "there is time to change...room to grow." No matter how hard things get, there is always that one person. at least one. that sees, observes, and is inspired by the choices you make.

With every duel that life challenges you to, keep in mind two things:

One. Only worthy candidates are chosen to battle such an opponent. The fact that you're being tested proves in itself that you have what it takes, so give it your all. In the end, you'll be stronger, faster, and wiser. Life doesn't fight to kill, but to educate.
Two. Always remember that one person. That one person who watches and is influenced. motivated. Keep them in mind with each decision made. Einstein once said that a life worth living is a life lived for others.

How will you be remembered?

Unconditionally Yours,
Simply Jen

P.S. you are not alone.

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